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A Zion Story

Our community is made up of a number of different stories.  What story do you have to tell?  How has Zion's mission of sharing Christ’s love, growing in faith, and serving others affected you?  Here are a few stories from the people who make up Zion .

What is your story?

Without you, the mission of Zion of sharing Christ’s love, growing in faith, and serving others would not have been possible.  This past year was filled with many different stories created by you.  What story will you tell in the year ahead?  Let's tell it together!  And thank you for partnership!

You can help make a difference today and make sure that the stories of Zion continue to be created and told!



Mr. Lee Ropp

For the last 89 years, Lee Ropp has been a part of the Middletown Valley.  A member of Zion, for the last 50 years, he shares a little part of his story.  Specifically, how Mar-Lu-Ridge has impacted his life and he continues to support their mission.

Off to Camp we go!

This year, we sent 15 kids (yes, you read that right!!!) to Mar-Lu-Ridge for a summer of unforgettable experiences surrounded by God's creation.  Because of generous donors over the years, we were able to offer a scholarship to all 15 kids and a few wanted to share their experience of Mar-Lu-Ridge this summer!

The Clothing Closet

What started a twice a month ministry has morphed and grown into a vital ministry for our community.  The Clothing Closet takes donated clothes and puts them into the hands of people in our community.  It is run by a dedicated group of volunteers, some of whom agreed to tell them us the story of the Clothing Closet!

The Quilters

Alexa, Dianne, Liz, Ginny, and Sharon (plus a number of other women who were not available the day we recorded) are known are the Zion's Quilters, but these ladies do more than just quilt.  They cook for seniors, families after a funeral, make pillow cases and so much more.  They shared their story and how they sharing Christ’s love, growing in faith, and serving others.

Music Ministry

50 plus years ago, Barry and Jo Ann began singing in the choir here at Zion.  Gavin, who just turned 16 began singing with the Worship team just a few years ago and just six month ago, began playing bass.  The three come from different generations but their story all involve the power and importance of our music ministry in sharing Christ’s love, growing in faith, and serving others.

Let's Go to Camp

Since COVID, we have not had many kids to send to camp.  In the summer of 2023, we sent 6 kids to camp.  In this episode of a Zion Story, we heard from three of the kids who all went to Mar-Lu-Ridge for the first time on their own.  And because of generous donors over the years, we are able to offer scholarships to all kids from Zion who wish to attend a Lutheran Summer Camp program.  


Zion is a dynamic, mission-focused congregation located in the beautiful valley of Middletown, MD. We strive to welcome, educate and serve the needs of our members and the surrounding community. 



Thanks for signing up. Our worship times are Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 9 am and 11am. We look forward to meeting you!

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