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What we believe?

Zion Lutheran Church is part of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). We confess and believe in the Holy Trinity – the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord.
We believe and teach the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. We teach both the Old and New Testaments as Scripture – God’s word given to us.
We believe the writings contained within the Book of Concord are faithful interpretations of Scripture and professions of faith.
We believe that we are saved by the triune God’s grace and there is nothing we can do to earn this freely given grace.
Sunday mornings bring us opportunity to hear the God’s word from Scripture, to pray as Jesus taught us (such as the Lord’s prayer), and come to the Lord’s table to received the triune God’s promised love and mercy in the form of Communion.
We live our faith not only on Sundays, but throughout the week. We pray for and with our fellow humans. We serve each other in a variety of ways. We gather together for devotions, Bible study, and fellowship.

Lutheran Theology

Lutherans are Christians who appreciate the teachings of Martin Luther (1483 – 1546). Luther was a German theologian who realized that there were significant differences between what he read in the Bible and the practices of the Roman Catholic church at that time. On October 31, 1517, he posted a challenge on the door of Wittenberg University, titled “95 Theses” (to debate 95 theological issues).
His hope was that the church would reform its practice and preaching to be more consistent with the Word of God as contained in the Bible.

What started as an academic debate escalated into a distinct separation between the Roman Catholic church of the time and those who accepted Luther’s suggested reforms. “Lutheran” became the name of the group that agreed with Luther’s convictions.

Today, nearly five centuries later, Lutherans still celebrate the Reformation on October 31 and still hold to the basic principles of Luther’s theological teachings, such as Grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone. These comprise the very essence of Lutheranism:

  • We are saved by the grace of God alone — not by anything we do;

  • Our salvation is through faith alone — a confident trust in God, who in Christ promises us forgiveness, life and salvation; and

  • ​The Bible is the norm for faith and life — the true standard by which teachings and doctrines are to be judged.

What should I expect?

​When you come to worship, expect:

  • To be challenged

  • To experience something that is like nothing else

  • To hear, see, and do things that make no sense (1 Corinthians 1:18) 

  • To have each of your five senses stimulated

When you come to worship, we expect everyone to participate through singing, welcoming all who come through the door, hearing the word, meeting Christ in the font, and receiving Christ at the table.

When you come to worship, come as you are.  Don't worry about what to wear, where to sit or what to put in the plate.  Your presence matters more to us and your presence in worship allows us to worship more fully.  Without you, our voice is not as strong.  YOU matter to us and to God!

If you have younger children, bring them.  Don't worry if they act out or get easily distracted.  Their presence reminds us that the word of God is for all people, of all ages.  Jesus tells us to sow seeds and even if you think your child is not getting anything out of worship, trust that they are and that the Holy Spirit uses all people of all ages to proclaim the good news! God's Word has a way of permeating our bodies in the most random of ways.  If your child gets very restless, we have a nursey in the basement that you are welcome to use.  Just make sure you come back after your little one is ready to return!


Worship Times

Saturday Night 

5 p.m. Casual Worship

Sunday Morning

9 a.m. Contemporary Worship

11 a.m. Traditional Worship

Sunday Morning Worship will be live-streamed each week on our Facebook Page.  


Zion is a dynamic, mission-focused congregation located in the beautiful valley of Middletown, MD. We strive to welcome, educate and serve the needs of our members and the surrounding community. 



Thanks for signing up. Our worship times are Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 9 am and 11am. We look forward to meeting you!

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