Ministries at Zion
From young families meeting the daily challenges of new parenthood, to our infirm and homebound members who are no longer able to attend regular church services, our needs as a congregation are diverse, and we are committed to serving and meeting the needs of our church family.
Here are some ways that you can get involved at Zion!

The GriefShare program is a 15-week grief support group for those dealing with the death of a loved one. This is a biblical based grief support group, and each session offers a video, group discussion, and a personal workbook activity. The group meets Tuesday at 6pm
Youth Group

Youth Group meets on the first Sunday of the month from 6-8 p.m. in the Social Room. Open to all students in 5th grade - 12th grade. This is an opportunity for the youth to grow in their faith through worship, prayer, good food and fun games! Invite your friends to join! Questions? Contact: Pastor Matt:
J.O.Y. Lunch

JOY +50 …what does that mean??? JOY +50 (Just Older Youth) is for adults age 50 and older. The quilters will be cooking in the kitchen on the third Wednesday of the month. At each luncheon, adults will meet in the social room to enjoy a home cooked meal at noon and fellowship with other 50+ adults. The luncheons will be followed by entertainment which could be performers, games or just fun presentations. Reservations must be in by the third Sunday of the month. Reservations can be made by calling the church office at 301-371-6500 or email
Clothing Closet
The Clothes Closet will be open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and is located at 118 West Green Street in Middletown. We are trying to fill up our shelves with gently used clothes and shoes of all sizes. Drop your donations at the Clothes Closet on Saturdays from 9 a.m. till 11 a.m if you'd like to meet with a staff person, otherwise donations are accepted for drop off anytime.

Music Ministry

Martin Luther said it best: “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. We have a number of different ways for people to use their musical talents in the praise and worship of God. From our contemporary group, choir, orchestra, and handbells--there is a place for everyone.

Food Bank
The Middletown Valley Food Bank (MVFB) provides nutritious food and personal supplies to those in need within Middletown Valley and the surrounding areas regardless of income, faith or other criteria. We strive to alleviate hunger, promote self-sufficiency and to treat all clients with dignity and respect. Our goods will always be of the highest standards.
Zion Quilters

They meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the back of the Social Room from 8:30a.m. - 1:30p.m. They provide Quilting Services as well as donations of knitted prayer shawls, hats and Gloves for those in need. They also provide pillowcases where needed as well.